Sunday, January 9, 2011

Women are not Bitches

I'M A BITCH !!!.....Unfortunately most women won't re-post this... I'm a handful, I'm strong willed, independent, a bit outspoken and I tell it like it is. I make mistakes, I am sometimes out of control & at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best! If you're a BITCH, re post!.. I dare you! I'll be looking for the ladies who re-post!

I turned on Facebook tonight and that was what I found, that load of CRAP!!! I have never been so insulted in all my life. I was hurt for myself, Daughter, Sister, Best friends and all women! Then there are the men that love us. How could this be a good thing to be calling yourself a BITCH, really? I am so upset that these Girls (let's just call them that...Girl's) are thinking that is a good to be mean to all men! Is that why they are all divorced and in constant turmoil? Lets also mention that these girls are suppose to be God loving Christians, I know that God would NOT approve of that behavior.
Lets deal with the statements; "I'm a handful and strong willed", yes that just what a real man want's in his life a handful of crap all dressed up as a woman! Have you ever heard men talk about women? They make fun of you when you act like a "handful", men call that a pain in the ass! Strong willed, is a whinny baby and if you are taking pride in being whinny then you get what you ask for! Independent is about the only thing in this whole statement that is a good thing because, that means that you don't lose yourself and you wont cling on when a man needs time to decompress after a long day at work or the stress of everyday life! "Outspoken, say it like it is", That is just code for: I have diarrhea of the mouth and I can say anything I want to and hurt as many other women and men as I can because, I have a lot of excuses I can use, having a bad day or my girl days are upon me....aarrrgghh!
"I am out of control and at times hard to handle" Really you are not even thinking at all are you, if you have that many problems with yourself then you should see someone, a professional in snooty little girls!
This is why real MEN don't want to get married, they are afraid that you are just playing at being nice when they are dating you. Men get to know someone that you are not! You have robed yourself of a truly happy life with a man, if you always mislead yourself and undervalue your worth then you will always attract the wrong kind of men. Have you ever noticed that you have boys in you life that treat you like crap? THEN STOP CALLING YOURSELF BITCH!!! Demand that Men treat you with respect, and in kind be a lady. Loving, sweet and kind to your man and to yourself!
You will never get me to call myself a bitch considering, that is a female dog that has never been fixed!! I have been married 22 years and have loved every moment of it even the bad because, I have grown! I will end with this; I am a strong woman, I am a loving person and I will not hurt someone just because it might make me feel better about myself. I have had more pain in my life than most people will ever know, but you can't make me give in to it!


  1. P.S. Hey little girls, you are being watched by us real women. Leave our Son's alone, we are sick of you giving women a bad name! We are teaching our Son's about you "bitches" and some day you will be extinct because we are also teaching our Daughters not to be like you! Women need to be nice to each other and to love each other. If you know a B word tell Her to be loving and kind, She doesn't have to be mean. If we can spread the word, it will STOP!

  2. Yeah, what you said! You are what a REAL strong woman should be, because really? Strength is not how loud and obnoxious you can be. Strength is in what you can keep to yourself even when someone might deserve your wrath. I do hope the little Girls listen to this, and change their ways, and start caring for someone else besides THEMSELVES!
